Construction of Full-wave Rectifier Circuit & Draw Input, Output Waveforms – with Filters and Without Filters

Experiment No.: 3

Experiement Name:

Construction of full-wave rectifier circuit & draw input, output waveforms – with filters and
without filters.


  1. To construct full-wave rectifier circuit.
  2. To draw input, output waveforms – with filters and without filters.


The conversion of AC into DC is called Rectification. Electronic devices can convert AC power into DC power with high efficiency.

Full Wave Rectifier:  

The full-wave rectifier consists of a center-tap transformer, which results in equal voltages above and below the center-tap. During the positive half cycle, a positive voltage appears at the anode of D1 while a negative voltage appears at the anode of D2. Due to this diode D1 is forward biased it results in a current Id1 through the load R.  During the negative half cycle, a positive voltage appears at the anode of D2 and hence it is forward biased. Resulting in a current Id2 through the load at the same instant a negative voltage appears at the anode of D1 thus reverse biasing it and hence it doesn’t conduct.


  1. Make connections as per the Circuit Diagram.
  2. Note down the AC and DC Voltages and Currents without Filter and with Load.
  3. And again observe the AC and DC Voltages and Currents with Filter and with load.
  4. Observe the Voltage across the secondary of the Transformer (i.e. Vrms).

Observation Table: Vac = 9.25 V   (Voltage across the secondary of the transformer)

Without Filter   9.25 V7.36 V 13.12 V 1 kOhm
With C-Filter   9.27 8.56 V13.42 V  100 µF 1 kOhm


Observed waveform:


ParameterWithout FilterWith C-Filter
Ripple Factor   1.25 1.08
Efficiency ((dc power/ac power)x100 %)    63.3 % 85.26 %

Apparatus Used:

Sl No.Name of ApparatusQuantitySpecificationMakers name
 1.Half wave & full wave rectifier trainer kit230 V, 50 Hz input, 1N4007 Diodes  M.E.W.
 2.Digital Multimeter 0-750 V AC, 0-1000 V DC, 0-10 AAkademika 
 3.Digital Storage Oscilloscope 100 MHz Akademika

Remarks: The input and output waveforms are visulalised in CRO perfectly.

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