SSC JE Electrical / Mock Test Series : 3

Topic : Mixed Technical (Electrical Engg.)

No. of Question : 100

Type : MCQ

Time : 60 Minutes


1 hours

1 hours

Created on By Pranab Kumar ChandraElectrical Notebook

SSC JE Electrical / Mock Test Series : 3

Notification 2023 has been released on 26th July 2023. A total of 198 vacancies have been announced in various departments of the Central Government. The last date to apply online is 16th August. SSC JE 2023  Candidates with a degree/diploma in the relevant engineering  stream are eligible for this post. The selection will be based on Computer Based Test (Paper I, Paper-II), Document Verification, and Medical Examination. Physical Standard Test/Physical Efficiency Test is conducted only for candidates applying in BRO.
The finally appointed candidates will get a salary range between Rs. 35,400/- to Rs. 1,12,400/-.

1 / 100

1. Which DC motor is preferred for wide range of speed regulation?

2 / 100

2. What will be the Q-factor of a circuit, if power factor is 0.9?

3 / 100

3. The Inductor doesn’t allow sudden changes in

4 / 100

4. In series R-L circuit power factor can be defined as –

5 / 100

5. In series R-L circuit power factor can be defined as –

6 / 100

6. A wire of length 2m and another wire of length 5m are made up of the same material and have the same area of cross section, which wire has higher resistance?

7 / 100

7. Amplitude is the maximum value of a voltage or current

8 / 100

8. If a capacitor is connected with DC supply, it will act as –

9 / 100

9. The component of current which is in quadrature with supply voltage, is –

10 / 100

10. The power factor of an AC circuit lies between –

11 / 100

11. A choke coil is a coil having-

12 / 100

12. Calculate the value of energy stored in an inductor if the value of inductance is 10H and 2A of current flows through it.-

13 / 100

13. The frequency of an AC voltage,e= 100 cos 314t , will be –

14 / 100

14. In a R-L-C circuit, power loss takes place is –

15 / 100

15. For a sinusoidal AC voltage, amplitude factor is –

16 / 100

16. In a series R-C circuit, the applied voltage –

17 / 100

17. In an AC circuit (Sine wave) with R and L in series –

18 / 100

18. The form factor for a sinusoidal a.c. voltage is – 

19 / 100

19. An alternating voltage is given by, V = 10 sin 2πt. The frequency of the AC signal is –

20 / 100

20. A pulse waveform has a high time of 8 ms and a pulse width of 32 ms. The duty cycle is

21 / 100

21. In a R-L-C circuit, power loss takes place is – 

22 / 100

22. The RMS value of a sine wave is 100 A. Its peak value is –

23 / 100

23. In an AC circuit a low value of KVAR compared with KW indicates –

24 / 100

24. Real part and imaginary part of admittance are respectively –

25 / 100

25. Unit of impedance is

26 / 100

26. An electric incandescent lamp has the power factor of –

27 / 100

27. If a capacitor of capacitance 9.2F has a voltage of 22.5V across it. Calculate the energy of the capacitor.

28 / 100

28. If two sinusoids of the same frequency but of different amplitudes and phase angles are subtracted, the resultant is –

29 / 100

29. In series R-L circuit power factor can be defined as –

30 / 100

30. Magnetic lines of forces –

31 / 100

31. Absolute permittivity of dielectric medium is represented as –

32 / 100

32. A coil of many circular turns of wire wrapped in the shape of a cylinder is known as -

33 / 100

33. The power factor of practical inductor is

34 / 100

34. A bulb consumes 100 W when supply voltage is 200 V. Then find the energy consumed in 30 minutes.

35 / 100

35. A 20 kHz pulse waveform consists of pulses that are 15 μs wide. The duty cycle is 

36 / 100

36. For a sinusoidal AC voltage, peak factor or amplitude fator or crest factor is –

37 / 100

37. RMS value can be defined based on which of the following? –

38 / 100

38. In an AC circuit (Sine wave) with R and L in series –

39 / 100

39. A magnetic field like this is called –

40 / 100

40. In any AC circuit always –

41 / 100

41. The equation for instantaneous value of alternating current is, then time period will be –

42 / 100

42. Frequency of Direct Current is

43 / 100

43. Which of the following is used to determine the direction of rotation of D.C motor?

44 / 100

44. Transformer is a

45 / 100

45. The frequency of an alternating current is –

46 / 100

46. In series R-L circuit power factor can be defined as - 

47 / 100

47. With the star delta starter the voltage across the motor winding at starting is – 

48 / 100

48. For a sinusoidal AC voltage, amplitude factor is –

49 / 100

49. 1 coulomb charge equals the charge of –

50 / 100

50. Transformer core are laminated in order to reduce –

51 / 100

51. A phasor represents

52 / 100

52. The formula used to find the capacitance C is __________

53 / 100

53. What is the RMS value of the current if the maximum value of sine wave current is 100 A?

54 / 100

54. Capacitors for power factor correction are rated in -

55 / 100

55. Direction of DC motor can be found out by-

56 / 100

56. In a series R-C circuit, the applied voltage –

57 / 100

57. Reactive power is the product of

58 / 100

58. If the inductive reactance of a coil is 6 ohm and internal resistance is 8 ohm, then the impedance will be –

59 / 100

59. The frequency of an AC voltage in India, is–

60 / 100

60. Form factor of square wave is-

61 / 100

61. Battery is a

62 / 100

62. The expression for energy of an inductor

63 / 100

63. A saw-tooth wave has a period of 10 ms. Its frequency is

64 / 100

64. A parallel AC circuit in resonance will –

65 / 100

65. Three lamps are connected in parallel across the voltage source. What happen if one lamp will burn out?

66 / 100

66. A pure capacitance connected across 50 Hz, 230 V supply consumes 0.04 W. This consumption is attributed to –

67 / 100

67. In a R-L-C series circuit, if the inductive reactance is greater than the capacitive reactance, then the power factor will be –

68 / 100

68. Three nos 6-ohm resistances are connected in delta. Value of resistances if connected in star – 

69 / 100

69. The peak value of a sine wave is 200 V. Its average value is –

70 / 100

70. In a R-L-C series circuit, if the capacitive reactance is greater than the inductive reactance, then the power factor will be –

71 / 100

71. A sine wave has a frequency of 50 Hz. Its angular frequency is _______radian/second.

72 / 100

72. A wire has the same resistance as the one given in the figure. Calculate its resistivity if the length of the wire is 10m and its area of cross section is 2m.

73 / 100

73. An Inductor works as a ___________ circuit for DC supply.

74 / 100

74. If the voltage across a capacitor is constant, then current passing through it is ________

75 / 100

75. From the following when capacitive reactance will be more?

76 / 100

76. For a sinusoidal AC voltage, amplitude factor is –

77 / 100

77. An Alternating Current has a periodic time of 0.02 sec, then the frequency will be –

78 / 100

78. The alternative name/names for active power is/are –

79 / 100

79. A signal with a 400 μs period has a frequency of

80 / 100

80. The units for inductance is _________ and capacitance is ___________

81 / 100

81. Form factor of half wave rectified ac is-

82 / 100

82. If the length of a wire is doubled and diameter is halved, then the resistance will become _________ of the previous.

83 / 100

83. The direction of rotation of a dc generator is found out by

84 / 100

84. RMS value can be defined based on which of the following? –

85 / 100

85. A heater is rated as 230 V, 10 kW. The value 230 V refers to –

86 / 100

86. Active circuit have -

87 / 100

87. A sinusoidal current has an rms value of 14 mA. The peak-to-peak value is

88 / 100

88. A 1 kHz signal has a period of 1 ms

89 / 100

89. For a pure inductive circuit, the average demand of power from the source will be –

90 / 100

90. When an alternating current passes through an Ohmic resistance the electrical power converted into heat is –

91 / 100

91. A current is set to be alternating when it changes –

92 / 100

92. For a 55KVA, 11000 Volts/440 Volts, 50Hz single phase transformer, the values of primary and secondary currents are –

93 / 100

93. RMS value can be defined based on which of the following? –

94 / 100

94. The power factor of an ordinary electric bulb is

95 / 100

95. A 2 micro farad capacitor connected across 10 volt DC. Value of current is – 

96 / 100

96. Which of the following will not be affected due to change in R?

97 / 100

97. Two waves of the same frequency have opposite phase when the phase angle between them is –

98 / 100

98. An alternating voltage is given by, V = 10 sin 2πt. The frequency of the AC signal is –

99 / 100

99. A wire having an area of cross section = 10sqm and another wire having an area of cross section= 15sqm, have the same length and are made up of the same material. Which wire has more resistance?

100 / 100

100. The capacitor doesn’t allow sudden changes in

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